This month we bring you a few great new features and many new bug fixes.
New this month
Static mode for reports: Remove live calculations to improve performance (Note this was first launched in January but not available in all environments until now.)
Users can control the formula settings for a report template from the Report Properties in Report Designer. On the Reporting tab, there is now a Keep formulas in run report checkbox. If this checkbox is deselected, the formulas are removed from the report.
- The default setting for existing reports is selected (True).
- The default setting for new reports is deselected (False).
NOTE: This option will not have any impact on budgets.
Keep formulas in run reports
- In Report Designer, on the Solver tab, click Report Properties.
- Click the Reporting tab.
- Select the Keep formulas in run report checkbox.
- Click OK.
All formulas in the generated report are kept during processing.
Remove formulas in run reports
- In Report Designer, on the Solver tab, click Report Properties.
- Click the Reporting tab.
- Clear the Keep formulas in run report checkbox.
- Click OK.
All formulas in the generated report are now removed during processing, and the values are replaced with actual cell values. When formulas are removed from a report, it is no longer possible to make calculations in run reports in Live Reporting.
When formulas are removed from the report template, the drill-down will function as normal.
NOTE: For reports that contain advanced formulas, such as IF and INDIRECT in the same formula or when referring to other sheets, it is safest to select the Keep formulas in run report checkbox to ensure the formulas work as intended in the portal.

Improved error messaging for data integrations.
- When a user cancels an integration, the messaging has been clarified with the following message:
- Messaging has been clarified when errors are propagated through the on-premise Gateway. Please note: the updated messaging for the Gateway will require the updated Gateway installation. The installer can be found on the Connectors Marketplace.
- Data Explorer filter <> was not filtering the results as expected: This update resolves an issue encountered using the not equal operator.

- Integration Jobs, email notifications are not sent when email’s are entered with the <enter> key for each email. This update ensures the emails are sent out even if the enter key is used to separate the emails.

- Dimension loading performance improvement: In some circumstances, a very large number of dimensions members may cause performance issues when managing the dimension. This could happen with over one million dimension members. This update improves performance when loading the dimension members.
- Dimension member changes do not save when the list is filtered: When making changes to dimension members on the Overview menu, changes are not storing if the list has been filtered. This change resolves the issue.